Monday, March 18, 2013

The Second Week in LAGCC

Last week was the second week I study in LAGCC, we are still reading Frank Tannenbum’s “Slave and Citizen”. I am getting familiar with the college classes, although sometimes I couldn’t understand what teachers said in the class, I got many helps from my classmates and I want to thank them here. I also want to thank my teachers, they know that I have problems and to shy to tell them, so they always try to help me. I learn American culture from the book, while I also learn some American culture from my classmates and teacher.
   I was surprised that we are going to do a film project for LIB101. I learned film making before I came to New York, and I am so glad I still remember how to do it. Diane, Stefan, Joel and I is in one group, we decided to meet every Friday to do the project, and we have had the whole story so far. Next step is just making a “script table” and preparing all the things we need, like camera and costumes, pops. Actually I am not really into the film making business, but I think doing the project with my American classmates will be fun. I think we have become friends now.
  Well, get back to the text, I am still working on the “claims”, I think I am going to focus on the slaves ‘ “rights”. Since Grandpa Tannenbum’s book is about the slavery’s difference between the United States and the Brazil and Latin America, I think the rights they got in these different areas is different. Therefore, I am going to do some research on the web, and try to find more information in the text.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your personal reflections. If you ever need me to slow down, just ask me to repeat myself.
