Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A moral difference of slavery in the United States

Tannenbaum's argument in Slave and Citizen is that Negro slaves' adventure in United States is different with in other parts of the hemisphere (page 42). On the one hand, he argues that the Emancipation may legally free a Negro. A Negro maybe can live like a freeman in the country. On the other hand, he argues that the shadow of slavery is still cast ahead of the white people.  The main different is that although they freed a Negro in a legal way, he still cannot live in the country like other free white people , because he didn’t accept by the society.  That’s why he wrote ,”The Emancipation may have legally freed  the Negro, but it failed morally to free the white man, and by that failure it denied to Negro the moral status requisite for the effective legal  freedom.”

     Then he argues that other part of the New World’s slavery “was developed by in a different moral and legal setting”, it helps him to explain why the slavery’s development is different in the United States. He argues that the United States slavery situation was separated in a moral way with the other parts of the New World. He gives several facts to prove it in the following text.

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