Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ying Ma’s Facebook page and Blog

      Ying Ma is a policy advisor at the Heartland Institute and the author of "Chinese Girl in the Ghetto." Her facebook page basically is about her book and some immigrant policy that she concerns. In Her latest article “A Legal Immigrant’s Story”, she wrote about her family immigrated to the U.S. 30 year ago. In the article, Ying Ma wrote that her family faced a series of problems when they applied to immigrant to U.S., including her mother’s no-birth-certificate issue, Finally after a longtime waiting, her family’s application was approved. However, Ying Ma aunt wasn’t that lucky. Her aunt got cancer and died while she was waiting for the immigration to America. Ying Ma wrote:” We did not disrespect U.S. borders, even though our dreams for a better life were no less desperate than many of those who are now illegally in this country. ”( Ying Ma, A Legal Immigrant’s Story, 2013) Ying Ma brings out the issue: even if she and her family immigrated to this country legally, they only live like the other illegal immigrants in the country.

     Ying Ma’s blog and facebook page focus on the social issues such as immigration, tax, and welfare states. She wrote articles about the legal immigrant’s right and they deserve good benefits and welfare from the government. She thinks the U.S. government policy makers should not protect the border so strong as they did in the past. Besides, she thinks the legal immigrants’ rights in the U.S. society should be valued, meanwhile,  the illegal immigrant problem should be solved.

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